The Fast and the Furious Wiki
The Fast and the Furious Wiki

"Thank God you showed up. These parties bore me to death."
―Kara to Letty Ortiz[1]

Kara is the leader of an all-female bodyguard team for a Jordanian prince in Abu Dhabi.


Furious 7

Kara is the lead bodyguard for a Jordanian billionaire prince during a party at Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi. She stares at Letty Ortiz, when she sees her talking in her earpiece. Later, Letty knocked out a male guard and drags the body inside the room. After hacking the security system for Tej Parker, Letty prepares to leave the room. When she opens the door, Kara and three other guards stood outside. Letty makes an attempt at humor, suggesting her charm rendered the security guard unconscious. Kara, however, remarks that she's "not that charming".

Letty attempts to shut the doors but the other guards kick them open and begin to fight her, while Kara alerts the other staff of the intrusion and tells them to lock the building down. She follows the guards inside to where they are fighting Letty.

After Letty defeated the three guards Kara confronts her. The two of them engage in a fierce fight in which Kara uses her martial arts skills but is unable to overpower Letty, until it eventually leads outside of the room and close to the party, where they end up falling over the railing and onto the DJ stage. Letty gets up, but Kara remained unconscious.


  • Peak Human Condition: Kara is in great physical condition.
  • Expert Martial Artist: Kara is a highly trained fighter, being able to fight Letty evenly. Her fighting styles incorporate mixed martial arts like Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, Grappling.


  • She is portrayed by Ronda Rousey, who in real life is a martial artist and professional wrestler.
  • Kara and Riley are the only two MMA fighters Letty Ortiz has fought in the series.



